Serenity House Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention

What To Bring To Treatment

The Following Rules Apply To Outside Items

  • Bring enough clothes for approximately 2 weeks.
    (We provide washers, dryers and detergent at no expense to you). 
    • You must bring your own fabric softener if you wish.
  • Clients are encouraged to bring 2 bath towels, toothpaste, tooth brush, deodorant, etc. for daily hygiene. (Nothing with alcohol content)
  • Clients may bring their own pillow and blanket, we provide one pillow and bedding.
  • Bring at least one pair of comfortable, work-out clothes and tennis shoes for recreational activities and fitness opportunities.
  • Please bring a 30 day supply of any prescription medicines.
  • Please do not bring any electronic devices.
    • If you would like to participate in virtual visitation on the weekends, you may bring your cell phone and charger that will be checked-out to you.
  • Please do not bring any valuables like jewelry.
  • Serenity is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Please do not bring large amounts of money; small bills are best.
  • Outside food is not permitted.
  • You may bring your own non-alcoholic drinks to keep in your room such as water, coke beverages, juices, protein drinks, etc. They must not be in a glass bottle/jug.
    • You may not bring energy drinks.
  • We provide all meals and snacks. Soda machines available if you wish to bring change.
  • You may bring cigarettes in sealed, unopened packages.
  • No tank tops, half shirts or clothing with inappropriate slogans or statements.
  • Shorts need to be two inches above the knee.
  • Tights must be worn with a long top.
  • All clothing is to be worn properly.

Getting Started

Abilene Facility

Fredericksburg Office

Abilene Facility

Fredericksburg Office

Abilene Facility

Fredericksburg Office

Abilene Facility

Fredericksburg Office

Make a Donation to Serenity House